The graphics settings for the game are pretty simple and you will know what factors might affect the game in a sense that you face Heroes and Generals FPS lag. To make sure, let’s look at the minimum system specifications that are required to run Heroes and Generals in a smooth manner. The game is developed by the ones who created the Hitman Series so obviously, you can expect it to be a huge load over your computer if it is not up to the mark. While the ultimate solution to save yourself from Heroes and Generals lag would be through the use of Kill Ping, we also recommend you to follow the steps to solve the problem if it was at your end. Kill Ping as part of providing a lag-free gaming experience to online gamers around the world did a lot of research and compiled a few tricks that can help you reduce lag on your side. These lag issues on heroes and generals… wowįar too much lag to play heroes and generals. Heroes and Generals needs renaming to “Germans and Lag” The game, even in the beta stages faced lag troubles and as of now, although the issue is solved for some it still remains a major problem for many To solve the problem, we have compiled a list of things that will definitely ease the pain for you. Heroes and Generals lag is a common phenomenon that is faced by thousands of its players around the world.